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Elegant Figures

The Impact of Puyehue-Cordón Caulle

June 21st, 2011 by Robert Simmon

Every once in a while we get satellite imagery that shows things that are hard to imagine, like floating rocks. It’s helpful to have a different persepctive, like this series of photographs collected by The Atlantic. Fantastic.

2 Responses to “The Impact of Puyehue-Cordón Caulle”

  1. Jared W. Jarvi says:

    Dear mates,

    I caught the video of the scuba suit diver in the lake over in Argentina.
    This is related to the floating pumice, how long do you think this stuff is going to float?
    Is this a new mega aquatic kill off happening below the surface of this nightmare?

    Peace and Light


  2. Robert Simmon says:


    Honestly, I have no idea how long it will float. I’ll assume as the bubbles in the pumice get waterlogged, they’ll eventually sink. I also don’t know what effect it will have on the life in the lakes. It’s winter in the Andes, so perhaps many aquatic inhabitants were hibernating.